David's Maritime History Page

"Why Is A Ship A She" (author unknown)

A ship or boat is called she because their's always a great deal of bustle about her...
Because there's always a gang of men around...
Because she takes a lot of paint to keep her good looking...
Because it's not the initial expense that breaks you, it's the upkeep...
Because she's all decked out...
It takes a good man to handle her...
Because she knows her topsides, hides her bottom, and when coming into port always heads for the buoys...

Maritime History Links

Maritime History and Naval Heritage Index

Nautical Mind: Books on Maritime History

San Diego Maritime Museum Home Page: Maritime History/Nautical History/Education/Tall Ships/Attractions/ Star of India

The Hellenic Maritime Museum

The Maritime History Virtual Archives

Pirate Links

American privateer, War of 1812: Prince of Neufchatel: details of...


Cape Cod Companion - Chapter 8 (excerpt)

History Of Famous Pirates ....Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me...

Pirates & Treasures

Pirates Story

Romance Reader's Corner:Pirates: Origin Jolly Roger, Rennaisance Europe

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Created by David Sylvester, 1997 Updated August 21, 2004